Swimming Lesson Enquiry

Thank you for registering your interest.

We will be in contact with you at our earliest opportunity to discuss options available. 

If you have any questions or would like to amend your child’s information, please contact us directly on 9457 7732.

Kind Regards,
The Moving Bodies Aquatics Team

Telephone: (02) 9457 7732
Email: swim@movingbodies.com.au


Find Us

Bottom of Hamley Rd
Mt Kuring-gai NSW 2080
Hornsby Sydney


Access to the Centre is via Hamley Road driveway (not Marina Close driveway).  From the Pacific Highway, turn into Beaumont Road, Mt Kuring-gai. Take the first right turn into Hamley Road and follow this road towards the end of the cul-de-sac.
Continue past Marina Close on the left and you will find the Moving Bodies Centre located a short distance past this street on the left side of Hamley Road. Street parking is available in Hamley Road.

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